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****************** Copyright Notice ******************
* *
* All program code is the copyright of David Lawrence *
* *
Help file for !FasterPC V2.400 (08 August 1994)
This help file contains information about two specific
areas of !FasterPC.
1. The operation of the configuration utility
2. The potential error messages and their solutions
The information supplied here is a resumé of the relevant
chapters of the User Guide and the reader is referred to
that document for full details.
1. !FasterPC Configuration
The !FasterPC configuration utility allows the user to
define and also create the number and size of PC
Winchester partitions to be used with the application.
The configuration utility is only memory resident when
you request it. In order to maintain a seemless interface
with the main application, the configuration utility does
not install itself on the icon bar, but only exists as a
window on the desktop. When you have finished with it,
close its window and the utility will terminate.
Starting the Configuration Utility
To start the configuration utility open the !FasterPC
icon bar menu and select the 'Config...' option. Once
started, the utility will open its only window but will
not install itself on the icon bar.
The Configuration Utility Window
The configuration utilities window has deliberately been
designed to look similar to the hard disc file section of
Acorn's !PCem configuration window. This is for the
convenience of users of both applications.
Number of Configured Hard Disc Drives
The number after the 'Hard disc drive files:' heading
indicates how many of the drive files listed in the boxes
below it will be included in the configuration file if
the save button is pressed. To increase the number of
hard disc drive files, click on the number with the
select button. The maximum number of drive files is four.
To decrease the number, click with the adjust button. The
minimum number of hard drive files if zero, i.e. you
would be emulating an IBM PC with only a floppy drive.
Each row in the dark grey box below the number of hard
disc drive files refers to a PC Winchester partition.
Referencing an Existing Winchester Partition
To include an existing partition in the configuration,
either type its full path name into the central white
icon or drag its icon from a filer directory window onto
the central white icon and drop it there. The icon will
immediately change to display the full path name of the
file that you have dropped and the following icon will
display the file's size in megabytes. Note that the file
type of the file that you drag and drop in this way must
be DOSDisc (file type &FC8). If it is not, then the
configuration utility will reject the file and display an
error message.
Creating a New Partition
To create a new disc partition, you must type the full
path and file name of the partition file into one of the
central white icons. Once this is done, you have to set
the desired size of the file by clicking on the white
icon next to the path name that you have just entered and
typing the required file size, in megabytes. This then
defines the file's location and size. Clicking on the
create icon to the left of the partition file name will
cause the configuration utility to actually create the
file. Note that an error will be reported and the file
will not be created if a file of the same path/name
already exists, or if the current directory structure
does not match your requested location, or if the utility
is unable to access the disc or directory that you have
specified, or if there is insufficient disc space left to
hold your file.
Saving the Configuration
Once the configuration window is set up to your
satisfaction, clicking on the save icon causes the
configuration utility to check your settings, to see if
you have asked for more drives than you have defined
paths/files for. If everything appears to be correct, the
configuration utility performs three actions:
• saves your settings in the file 'Drives' in !FasterPC's
'resources' directory
• obeys the file 'Drives', setting the system variables
to their new values
• sends a message to !FasterPC, telling it that the
configuration has been changed
Clicking on the set icon causes the system variables to
be set and sends a message to !FasterPC, as above, but
does not modify the Drives file. This allows the user
to temporarily modify the selected partitions.
The disc partitions created by the configuration utility
are ready for partitioning and formatting using the
standard MS DOS utilities FDISK.EXE and FORMAT.COM.
Quitting the Configuration Utility
To quit the configuration utility, click on the close
window icon on the window's title bar. The utility will
quit and its window will disappear.
2. !FasterPC's Error Messages
There now follows a list of the possible error messages
that !FasterPC can detect. Each listed error has a
section describing the conditions that can cause the
error and also a section giving some hints on how to
avoid the error.
Illegal or unsupported opcode detected
!FasterPC has tried to execute either an unimplemented
8086 or 80186 instruction, non-executable data, or an
instruction for an 80286 or higher processor.
If you have not enabled the 80186 option on !FasterPC's
icon bar menu then enable it and try your PC program
again. If the fault is still present then check the
documentation associated with the program and ensure
that it should run on an 8086 (IBM PC XT or compatible).
If this is the case you could contact me following the
guidelines mentioned below for an investigation.
Attempt to change to an unsupported video mode detected
The PC software that you are running has tried to switch
to a video mode that is not supported by !FasterPC in
its current configuration. This may be because the
software does not check whether the required video
adaptor is present before performing the mode change,
or because you have an adaptor enabled that is not fully
supported (EGA, VGA or Tandy).
Try disabling any optional video adaptors, one at a time,
and re-running the PC program to see if the problem has
gone away. If this fails, try enabling the video override
option (if present) in the display submenu to see if this
will solve your problem.
Unsupported palette function detected
The PC software that you are running has tried to use an
unsupported VGA palette function. It thinks that this can
be done as you have enabled the VGA adaptor and not all
of the palette functions are implemented. This should be
quite a rare error as the majority of BIOS palette calls
are to do with reprogramming the palette, and these calls
are fully implemented.
Try disabling the VGA (and also possibly the EGA) adaptor
to see if your program will run in another video mode.
The Emulator is trying to execute jump vectors
For some reason, !FasterPC is executing code that is in
the 8086 jump vectors (RAM locations 00000h to 00400h).
This is probably because it has become confused and mis-
interpreted a previous instruction.
Try running your program several times to see if the
problem always occurs and whether is always occurs at
the same place. If this is the case, the problem is
repeatable, and you might like to contact me following
the guidelines mentioned below for an investigation.
Unable to change to required FasterPC screen mode
This error is reported when !FasterPC has been unable
to change to one of its special screen modes. These
modes are supported by the VGAmodes module present in
the application directory, and RMLoaded when the
application is started. It is possible that you do not
have sufficient memory available for the VGA screen modes
before trying to run the emulator. !FasterPC requires
80k bytes of screen memory to run in 50Hz mode and 300k
to run in VGA mode.
Open the task window and drag the coloured bar
representing the screen memory until it is at least 80k
or 300k as required and try again.
User forced exit from !FasterPC
This error is reported if the user performs a forced exit
from !FasterPC by using the two Alt keys and mouse menu
button mechanism. This exit is provided to allow crashed
or 'difficult' DOS programs to be exitted. The normal
exit, left Alt key and mouse menu button is to be
preferred if it works.
This message is more of a warning message rather than an
error. If a DOS program repeatedly causes you to have to
use this exit mechanism, you might like to contact me
following the guidelines mentioned below for an
An unknown error has occurred
This error is reported if !FasterPC exits without a valid
reason code. This is a 'catch all' error handler and the
author has never seen this error reported during the
development period.
If you get this error and are able to repeat it, you
might like to contact me following the guidelines
mentioned below for an investigation.
Reporting errors for investigation
The occasion may occur when you are unable to correct a
possible fault with !FasterPC and some PC software that
you are trying to run. Refer to the section in the User
Guide, chapter 'Errors and Solutions' for the procedure
to be followed to get your problem investigated.
To contact the author, write to:
D. J. Lawrence,
33 High Street,
GU14 6ES
United Kingdom